
Event One


What Happened

The WEE Series was successfully kicked off today with the first event at Barnett's Park. Some might point out that WEE stands for Wednesday Evening Event, and that today is a Saturday - but what can I say, other than agree. Maybe this was a Weekend Event ?

There were hundreds of people at the Spring Fair in Barnett's Park, and a number of them were convinced to try out orienteering. Timings were not actually recorded for the majority of people, since it was more a fun stroll in the park. However, points have been allocated to those who were timed. There were probably about another 25-30 groups who took up the opportunity. And for those who missed it, the event was actually free !!! Thanks to Colin for organising, and the other LVO folk who turned up and assisted on the day.

A new feature is also being tried out this year with any digital snaps taken at the events being put on line. Let me know what you think, or email me photos and I'll publish. You can see from the photographs that there was quite a lot of other activity going on in the park at the same time. Does anyone fancy doing that jump on the mountain bike !!!!

The Wednesday evening events kick off in true form at Ormeau Park in a few weeks time. Don't forget that it will be the best 4 out of 6 results to count for winner of the first part of the series.

See you all next Week.

Page Last Updated : Tuesday 3 May, 2005 22:21